Angiology – Phlebology – Cosmetic Medicine
Tel. : 04 93 92 29 03
Angiology – Phlebology
Epidemiology and Treatments for venous or arterial pathologies. Chronic venous insufficiency and varicose veins of the lower limbs are among the most frequent pathologies in adults.
If you wish to set up an appointment right now with Dr. Bouaziz
Cosmetic Medicine
A complete range of rejuvenation techniques and treatments is proposed by Dr. Bouaziz.
There is no one “best” treatment for sagging facial skin, but rather a panel of techniques that most often have to be combined.
A Complete range of LPG treatments is available.
Lipomassage – Lymphatic Drainage – Endermolift
- Various Laser treatments
Treatment of telangiectasias (spider veins) and rosacea - Permanent laser hair removal
- Skin tightening (treatment of sagging skin)
Angiologist, Phlebologist and Specialist in Cosmetic Medicine, Dr. David Bouaziz, Nice (06), France